For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Are you looking for a place to serve at Freshwater?
Check out the list below. God has a place for you to use your gifts and we're happy to help you find it.

Those who are a part of this ministry work as a team to help prepare our hearts for worship. If you're interested in any of these areas of ministry, we would love to get you plugged in. For more information, click HERE to contact Zach Thomas, Pastoral Resident.

Every Sunday our volunteers show up and work together in the unique roles to create a loving environment for our children. Freshwater Kids is completely fueled by volunteers. If interested in becoming a Freshwater Kids volunteer, click HERE to contact Ethan Anderson, Next Gen Director.

Our Freshwater first impressions team makes everyone feel like they're home. They're happy to answer questions, share information, and send newcomers in the right direction. If you enjoy smiling and making people feel welcomed, then this team is exactly the place you should serve. This includes parking lot, greeters, welcome table, and serving in our refresh area as well. Click HERE to contact Zach Klundt, Associate Pastor for more information.

Do you have a heart for prayer? We would love to share the ways in which we can connect you to one of our various prayer times. They include praying regularly as a team over prayer requests, on Sunday mornings during each service, as well as various evenings dedicated to prayer and worship as a church. Click HERE  to contact our Prayer Team for more information.

Freshwater's Care Team has the privilege of helping members of the church who are in need of support during difficult times in life. This includes a variety of ways to minister to individuals such as sending cards, providing rides, preparing meals, providing childcare, missionary support and sometimes benevolent support, if necessary. If you are interested in serving in the care team or know of someone in need of support from the Care Team, please contact them by clicking HERE for more information.

Freshwater Students exist to help students (7th-12th) become totally committed followers of Jesus Christ through Christ-centered teaching, meaningful relationships, and family-oriented discipleship. We desire to see our students: grow in their relationship with Jesus, be equipped to thrive in their schools, and prepared for life after high school. If you would like to know how you can serve in or would like more information on our student ministry, please contact Ethan Anderson, Next Gen Director by clicking HERE.

Want to help in another area of Freshwater?